Friday, January 16, 2009

To Save The w

The Weekly Cheese
A special Edition:
The Campaign to Help

Top Story
Dr. Adam Came To Visit NFS

On Wednesday the 14th, 2009, Darfur refugee Dr. Adelgaber Adam came to NFS to speak about the genocide happening in Darfur. One of our reporters reported on the lecture and came back with some interesting facts.

First of all, let us explain about Dr. Adam. Dr. Adam is Darfur refugee who is the founder and president of the Darfur Human Rights Organization of the U.S.A. He goes around holding lectures in various schools and other places of importance such as the United Nations, speaking about the terror of the Darfur genocide and how it is up to the world to stop this. His organization is set up in Philadelphia, PA, and delivers supplies to the refugee camps in eastern Chad, a country in northern Africa. The genocide is taking place between North and South Sudan. The government and population of North Sudan consist of Arabs, while the South is Christians and other related religious groups. In simple words, it is what you could call another Holocaust caused coming from the terrorist group Al-Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden, starting in the mid ‘50s’.Villages are burned, bombed and many of the residents are taken into slavery. It is estimated that at least 2.5 million people were killed between ’56 and to ’03.Those who are lucky flee to the West into the safe country of Chad on camel, horse, donkey or any sort of transportation. There, they join a refugee camp. In a regular camp, there are at 18,000 people and 14,000 of them are children. The children of the camps are severely malnourished and what they need most is clean water. To buy two pumps, that would cost $4,000. In a single day their food provides them with only 1,000 calories, compared to our 2,000 calories. Many of the children are orphaned because the women are usually taken into slavery, leaving the children to be adopted by another family. They are provided with a small education, attending the camp’s school. Before an attack, the usual advice given to child by the mother is: run. The fathers are mostly never there; they are fighting off what they can. And when they return, they will find a blackened village with no one to be found. Because of this, nearly everyone is displaced. Some have connections and make it to America, others stay. Dr. Adam made a point out of the fact that all the leaders of the world just talk, but don’t take action. That is why it is up to the ordinary civilian to help by making donations that will be taken straight to Chad into the camps by members of the organization themselves. So before you throw out any clothes, please remember the people of Darfur.

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